Read Across America Week


Dear Conant Families,

Next week (March 2nd-6th!), our school will be celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday with a week-long celebration that we refer to as Literacy Week. Although classrooms will be engaged in their own unique ways of celebrating Read Across America Week, we have selected daily themes and activities as a school. Please refer to the chart below for a synopsis of the daily plans. Thank you for all that you do to support our school community. It promises to be a fun and festive week!

Warmest gratitude,

Ann Marie Pastor, Reading Specialist

Monday Theme!


The Cat in the Hat

Wear Dr. Seuss colors (red, white, black) and/or a festive/crazy hat!

Tuesday Theme!


Wocket in My Pocket

Help your student wear an outfit with lots of pockets! Each class will count the number of pockets in their classroom. An announcement will be made at the end of the day of the total number for the school and the classroom with the highest number of pockets as well. The classroom prize will be a $30 gift card to the Silver Unicorn Book Store.

Wednesday Theme!


One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Wear red/blue today. There will be a jar of Swedish Fish in the cafeteria for students to guess the total (estimation). The winner earns a $20 gift card to the Silver Unicorn Book Store.

Thursday Theme!


Green Eggs and Ham

Wear green to celebrate this classic!

Friday Theme!

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Hygge Day

Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book and/or Fox in Sox book: Wear pajamas &/or crazy/cozy socks to enjoy celebrating the Danish way with Hygge Day at Conant. Today is the day to bring in a favorite stuffed animal for quiet, cozy, DEAR (drop everything and read) time.

Hygge is a Danish lifestyle approach that embraces a calm atmosphere, being fully present, and engagement in pleasurable activities, like reading! Other elements included are harmony, equality, gratitude, comfort, togetherness, and shelter.

Staff-Text Match-up Contest: Classrooms try to match the staff person with the text. The winning class earns a $30 gift card to the Silver Unicorn Book Store.

Walter Rodriguez