Message for Conant's graduating class of 2020


Dear Conant 6th Grade Class of 2020, Parents & Family,

Well, this year didn’t go quite as planned, huh?  They usually don’t, but they’re not usually this bad.  On the bright side, you made it!  Congratulations!  You’ll be transitioning up into the Raymond J. Grey Junior High next fall.  This is an accomplishment no matter the year.

You wanna know what’s even more important?  You were strong enough to get through 6th Grade at Conant during a very difficult year.  In addition to looking back fondly on your 7 years at Conant, that strength is something you’ve earned and you get to keep with you every step of the way to Junior High and beyond.  If you’re ever up against a difficult situation, remember these moments and how you got through them.

The Conant Community is proud of you, all that you’ve done, all that you’re going to do, and in every way you had an impact on the school.  We wish you well in your journey.

Conant PTO

Walter Rodriguez